A simple task what do i do wrong
fpirvu last edited by
Hello all opera lovers,
I used opera for too much time, it had a great impact for me as i denied all websites that were showing the incompatibility message. I cried when it was changed to chrome but i embraced the change. Now it's time to change computers and i would love to get all my bookmarks/speeddial/passwords/extensions and so on to my new pc. I did my job i had a look on some old documentation and got all the files form /appdata/local and roaming and replaced the new ones on the new pc. Almost everything was ok, speeddial ok, history ok.. but no passwords were imported. This is really important as i have too many passwords stored in opera and it would be a same to add them manually again.
Can anybody tell me if i have to do something else to get the passwords imported?
I check the login data file and it exists on the new pc, i opened it with notepad and it looks okish.Please don't make me use the ugly fox.
Thank you
A Former User last edited by
I'm sorry to inform you that in the way Opera is working currently the passwords are tied to the user account you had in the other PC, that's why they don't show up.