[Request] Add an option to change the location of sidebar from left to right.
just-a-psychopath last edited by
Generally a nice chunk of people would prefer to have their sidebar to the right, and i hope this feature could be added soon.
SlipWire last edited by
@just-a-psychopath I agree with your suggestion. Most of the time I try to use the taskbar, I always end up going right instead of left.
Jane-Doe last edited by
@just-a-psychopath Ikr! I am very accustomed to having my taskbar on the right and really wish the side bar was also on the right so it's much easier to access. Hope they add an option to change it.
just-a-psychopath last edited by
@slipwire Shouldnt this be a common feature. almost everything is custom fit for righty and being a lefty sucks. If we cant change such a simple dynamic of the browser then using it will be questionable.
stickybuds05 last edited by
Sorry to necro the thread
Just like to add my desire to have the option to change the sidebar to the right. Even though I'm right-handed, I like keeping my working docs on the left of my desktop. Which means if I want to drag anything to upload onto my browser (google drive, dropbox, etc) I will usually drag over the side bar and open whatsapp/discord/instagram or whatever, and thus covering the place I'm dragging to. Pretty annoying! Overall very impressed and love GX! -