Opera background music not loud enoughg
A Former User last edited by
As long I have opera the opera 'system sounds' (these are shipped with like key-hits and tab-opening sounds) aren't loud enough. The music just goes up to 100% but the other sounds to .. 500% I think. If I set the other ones high enough it's acceptable but the music is not hearable at all. I have to make my ... Stereo-controller (one cable connected to line out -> controller and controller: bass MAX everything normal and AUX-mode; connected to my two speakers.) The music is very good but I have to put my controller 3 times louder to hear the background-music as I want. It sucks me because videos, system sound etc. are exploding my brain then. Please help me fix it.... Or release a build with background-music-volume-booster;;
Xyndra last edited by
I found the solution: you can go into the html and put the slider max up. Then, drag it to the side and you've got some very loud music.
18thspud last edited by
@france1 I have the same problem; the background music is barely audible at the volume I like to keep my computer at.
Snowball91709 last edited by
Go to settings, scroll down to background music, and you can put the volume up to 100%