Opera 12 and Facebook
giampy61 last edited by
I use Opera 12.16 and I suffer a drawback when I am into Facebook.
When I reach the end of a page, Facebook rearranges the whole page, there is much movement among the messages, and when the arrangement is finished I find myself almost at the top of the page or anyhow far from the message I was reading. I am peeved because of such behaviour.
Is it a drawback of Facebook or of Opera 12.16? Is there a setting of Opera 12.16 that can avoid it?GF
sherool last edited by
Don't recall having any issues like that. I barely ever open Facebook in 12.16 though since on my computer that makes the browser just flat out crash about 40% of the time for some weird reason.
huasonshine last edited by
opera works great for me on facebook unless I'm playing a game, I usually open a window in Chrome or firefox for gameplay, opera just gives me endless security warnings. I can't find a security setting that will let me make exemptions for them. so I just play games on a different browser, no big deal I usually have several windows open anyway. I've been waiting for an update to fix it, but it has been 9 months or so, I tried reinstalling Opera but it doesn't seem to matter. If it is any consequence facebook games crash any browser after a while, they are just an evil habit I can't seem to break....
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by huasonshine:
opera works great for me on facebook unless I'm playing a game, ... opera just gives me endless security warnings. I can't find a security setting that will let me make exemptions for them... I've been waiting for an update to fix it, but it has been 9 months or so, I tried reinstalling Opera but it doesn't seem to matter. ...
The security warning is by design in Opera's Presto-versions when visiting an SSL site that sends data out to a non-SSL web address, and thus won't be "updated to fix". Various websites persist in this insecure behavior, and various web browsers employ differing methods of dealing with it (or ignore it altogether). When SSL protocols are used to guarantee encrypted communications of personal data to a financial website, such a website forwarding of any user data "in the clear" to a non-SSL site constitutes a breach of security. Likewise, SSL can be used by non-financial sites to protect the privacy of non-financial personal data.
The problem arises when a website employs SSL to protect certain user-data like log-ins but is sloppily-coded to send certain other user data (like game keystrokes) out to non-SSL websites in the clear. A browser ought to trap such a breach in security to protect the user from this abuse of the SSL protocol, and Presto Opera versions do. Other browsers have elected various forms of over-ride (or total ignorance) of this security precaution. This is discussed at length in Annoying "Security Warning" Message.
Since the browser behavior is both the result of a conscious security decision on Opera's part for very good reasons and because Presto Opera will no longer be updated for features/improvements/bug-fixes, the behavior will not be changed.
LordRayden last edited by
I also have a problem with Facebook and my Opera 12.16 since a few days...
Its not showing the Images (underlined red). FF and IE are working without problems...
I deleted my cache, I have no site preferences, rebooted my modem and router, nothing worked.
I use Comodo Internet Security, nothing changed on my pc, it just stopped working...
Anyone any Idea?