Browser is not compatible message on WhatsApp Web
miraizard last edited by
I open Whatsapp Web almost everyday and it works perfectly fine. Today I had problems with my connection so I proceeded to restart my wifi. Turns out that when I go into the Whatsapp Website, Opera Gx does not support it.
Please, help. I really need to use it. My config is exactly the same as it was before this happened... I certainly don't know what went wrong.
I remember Google Meets caused me the same problem but it was solved like, the day after, and there were people with the same problem. As far as I know there are no posts touching this Whatsapp subject.
Azeveco last edited by
@miraizard hey!
It works without a problem here. Did you try to use the WhatsApp on the sidebar? See if it works to connect through there and if it does, use it or if you really want to use in a tab, try to enter the again. Since the browser is already authenticated, it will probable work.
arn47 last edited by
I have the same problem, sometimes it fixes automatically but then again gives me the same error message.