Emoji Keyboard by JoyPixels™
Daenorloa last edited by
This extension is great! I do have a question, though. How do I bring up the little window when I right click and see the Emoji option in the menu? It says "command+," as the key combo, but that isn't working. Am I reading it incorrectly? For Windows, is it Ctrl plus the comma? I tried everything I could think of.
opera11750349 last edited by
@caillou21500: Désolé caillou, cet emoji est un arc-en-ciel, signe de Dieu de la promesse post-diluvienne de ne plus nourrir le monde, cela n'a rien à voir avec LGBTQ(LMNOP...).
ignaciogarces last edited by
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está bien hecha. La uso porque en Ubuntu no hay manera sencilla de insertar emojis >:v
Pero señores, recuerden que en Windows pueden usar [tecla windows] + [.] para insertar emojis