Multiple profiles support
zalex108 last edited by
That link is for Opera 11, just need to create shortcuts: Points 1 & 4.
"Path to Opera App" --user-data-dir="Path to custom profile"
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". 路 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
zalex108 last edited by
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". 路 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
@zalex108 Hi! Does this work in 2018?
I made shortcuts on my Mac, wrote in Terminal:
/Applications/ --user-data-dir=/Users/user/newFolder but it shows -bash: /Applications/ is a directory. What's my mistake?
zalex108 last edited by
Is the current Opera named _2!?
I think you have to use, then add the new profile path.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". 路 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
How to add several profiles in the latest Opera version? Unfortunately, doubling the installation does not work.
zalex108 last edited by
@roliii said in Multiple profiles support:
How to add several profiles in the latest Opera version? Unfortunately, doubling the installation does not work.
Read the above posts/links to create the different shortcuts.
You can even create a Base profile with the most needed settings and extensions and then start the profiles with them.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". 路 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
@zalex108 Thank you for your answer. I don't know how to create a shortcut in MacOS using the above mentioned parameters ;(.
"Path to Opera App" --user-data-dir="Path to custom profile"
Additionally, I don't know how to create an alternative profile, copy the first one and change the name? -
zalex108 last edited by zalex108
I don't own a Mac so I'll tell you about remembering (and some search).About the Shortcuts, this guide may help you.
About the command line, I remember some users launching the profile right from terminal, but the easy way should be creating the needed shortcuts.
The profiles are hidden, look at "Opera about" to find the path for the profile and the App.
As per Vivaldi, their Profile (3 years ago) is located at
"~/Library/Application Support/Vivaldi/Default/",
so I suppose that Opera should be on "~/Library/Application Support/Opera/Data or Default/"For the App path maybe it's something to this:
~/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.OperaSo, for the full command/shortcut you may need something like:
"~/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.Opera" --user-data-dir="~/Library/Application Support/OperaProfileStudy/Data or Default/"
Where OperaProfileStudy will be the container folder for the custom profile.On the other side,
If you create a Base profile, you just need to copy and rename to the desired profile name, otherwise, Opera will create it from scratch once you run the command.I recommend to keep a shortcut for the base profile to make updates easily.
As I've read on Vivaldi's forum, there is an explorer which seems to help on your purpose.
Midnight commander. show Hidden Files: other info about MacOs paths:"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". 路 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
@zalex108 Thank you again for your answer. I will fight this evening maybe I will be able to add an abbreviation. At the moment I can't see how to personalize the shortcut. I don't know how to add --user-data-dir= to this shortcut.
zalex108 last edited by
As I've read, on Mac they use Alias for that, look the guide or google about "Create alias for terminal command".
Also, this Vivaldi steps maybe helps you.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". 路 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
luferogo last edited by
To help others like me looking still for this option and found this topic, What I did was simply install the opera beta version and that's it! I use my personal profile with the beta, and the original installation for my work profile.