Open external links with proper apps
moly82 last edited by
hi guys, I searched for an answer to this on google already but couldnt' find anything (well actually I found a very old post about the same problem, but the suggestion involved turning off off-road mode, that I can't find in opera mobile settings...)
so my problem is that I strongly need to be able to open for example XDA forum links directly with tapatalk, rather than inside opera mini. but the prompt doesn't apear, and all external links are opened directly in opera
it seems it is not possible to do that at all in opera mini? any solution?
thanks a lot in advance to anyone whou could help!
best regards
Roby -
smyru last edited by
Sounds interesting! I did not know that this is possible. Are there any other browser that supports this? Do these links sport a different schema then HTTP or HTTPS?
It's an interesting feature request. If I were you, I would file it with the bug wizard and post a link here.
custdemotest last edited by
For mobile forum the tapatalk (whatever is that) direct link to app should be on top.