[Opera mail 1.0] Minimum font setting doesn't stick
luctur last edited by
Hello *,
I've an annoyance in Opera Mail 1.0.
I've set "Minimum font" option to 18 pixels, but every time I close the setting window, it resets to 0.
This is not a problem with text emails, since I've changed family and size of the font for viewing emails (it is set to "Consolas 18"), but HTML messages in the preview pane don't respect that and continue to use a tiny, tiny, tiny serif font (maybe at 8 pixels or so).
Is there a way to make that "minimum font" option to stick or a workaround to show HTML message preview in a fixed font?
Thanks in advance for any hint.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
You can close down Opera Mail and edit operaprefs.ini (see "menu -> help -> Opera Mail" for the location).
Under the [User Prefs] section, add/set "Minimum Font Size=18".
That might cause it to stick to 18. However, after that, if you make any changes in the font preferences UI, your setting will probably get reverted. So, make this change last and then don't mess with the settings in the font preferences in the UI after that. Or, if you do, you'll just have to close Opera Mail and set the setting to what you want again.
I don't remember if that'll help with HTML messages though, but you can try.
Also, the "fit to width" setting. that you see what you click the wrench icon at the top right of Opera mail, might sometimes have an effect on font sizes.
luctur last edited by
I've used the workaround and it seems working for HTML messages too.
In addition to this, I've unchecked the "fit to width" option, just to be sure.
Thanks for your help.