@user2021-05-01-12345 From which country are you ?

Posts made by wulfhartus
RE: [Request]Allow to remove unwanted search engines from OperaOpera GX
[Request]Allow to remove unwanted search engines from OperaOpera GX
I"m very frustrated with the search engine choice we have in Opera. It's impossible to delete the default search engines like Yahoo, Amazon, etc. I don't want these in my browser, but I can't delete them.
To make things worse, there is a keyword to trigger these engines. If I begin my research with "z", it will redirect me to Amazon. That's very frustrating. Please allow us to configurate this, and to delete it.What I am talking about : https://ibb.co/1qzV31D . I want to remove these engines (excepted google, duckduckgo).
RE: Can't play a podcast at France culture.frOpera GX
@burnout426 Yeah it works. I just wanted to report a potential incompatibility bug with this website. But if other people are able to play the podcast on the website with Opera, it means that the problem comes from me.
Can't play a podcast at France culture.frOpera GX
I wanted to listen to this podcast : https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/les-chemins-de-la-philosophie/nietzsche-le-gai-savoir-14-victoire-sur-lhiverBut when I click the "play" button (it's in french), the podcast doesn't works. I tried to remove the adblocker, the VPN, it didn't work. But when I tried it on Firefox, and it worked well.
I just wanted to report it, this might be a bug. -
RE: Add <Music Service> to Sidebar Player TopicSuggestions and feature requests
Good evening,
I'm very glad with this new Music Player. It's a potentially incredible feature. However, I'm subscribed to Deezer, and not Spotify ! I'm sure I'm not alone in my case, thus I think it would be very nice to add a Deezer option : it would benefit many people !Kindest regards,
Wulfhartus, from France -
RE: [Request/Help] Is there a way to shut down entirely Opera GX ?Opera GX
@leocg oh, I didn't know that animation should only show after an Update. It shows so often !
[Request/Help] Is there a way to shut down entirely Opera GX ?Opera GX
I think that would be useful (to restart Opera), and I'm not sure there is a way : when I open Opera for the first time in the morning, there is the logo and an animation, showing that it's loading. But when I close it to reopen it, I don't have the animation again. Is that normal ? I think it could be nice to have a manual way to shutdown entirely Opera GX.