What I am suggesting is something akin to Chromes more tools > create a shortcut function.
this allows a website to be treated like its very own application;
- its given a desktop shortcut,
- able to be pinned to the taskbar,
- being treated as a completely seperate entity to normal browser tabs
- its window having a minimal top bar.
I have attached example images of what the Chrome's shortcut feature looks like in action using the website liquidti.me as an example website.
(the shortcut when opened)
(icon automatically made and pinned to task bar)
this feature is extremely useful to managing tabs while multitasking which is something opera tries to be the best at.
it also allows for a move versatile experience with a browser making it way more user friendly.
I really hope this feature is considered for implementation! its so useful! start using it and you will never want to switch browsers again,
this is the Only thing making me want to go back to using google chrome.
thank you!