Hi support,
I previously created an addon problably 1 year ago on opera store. It was named "StravistiX for Strava" in version 0.6.0, but i never finished the process to published it.
I deleted it today to re-upload it a as "new addon". It seems i have done a mistake?! I'm now getting following error on upload of my new version (3.7.0).
"A package with this name already exists. Please change the name or upgrade the existing package."
My panel status now: http://imgur.com/4ac3wBn
Error i got is: http://imgur.com/ruqgiYN
I would like of course to be able to push/publish that addon on opera store.
Note: This is a well known chrome extension i develop for 1.5 years available only here (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stravistix-for-strava/dhiaggccakkgdfcadnklkbljcgicpckn) at the moment...
Need your help !
Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks
Thomas from france