Why does an internet browser designed for gamers update itself in the background while the player is playing online game?..
Moreover, why does it do this job using the entire internet bandwidth?!
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Why does an internet browser designed for gamers update itself in the background while the player is playing online game?..
Moreover, why does it do this job using the entire internet bandwidth?!
"Hovering over links doesn't show link address (Opera browser dev. v.60.0.3248.0)"
^^ Although it has been 3.5+ years since then, nothing must have been done, the problem still persists!
(Opera GX - LVL4 (core: 90.0.4480.100))
Why does an internet browser designed for gamers update itself in the background while the player is playing online game?..
Moreover, why does it do this job using the entire internet bandwidth?!
Why don't you update that extension of Opera like Chrome and Firefox?.. Is it a stepchild?!