I believe the correct tracker reference is DNAWIZ-61093.
Posts made by surf-ing
RE: Opera developer can't start on some Linux distros since build 46.2602Opera for Linux
Opera developer can't start on some Linux distros since build 46.2602Opera for Linux
Opera developer build 46.2602 now requires GKT-3, while any of the previous builds (I was using 46.2556) was perfectly happy to work with just GTK-2 libraries. This new, higher requirement cuts off from using Opera all Linux distros that don't include native GTK-3. Those are mostly the minimalistic distros -- minimalistic not in the sense of "very few users" but rather of "low system resources needed".
Is there a possibility to go back to requiring just GTK-2 in a future build?
objdump -p opera-developer 46.2556 vs 46.2602 diff 2556 NEEDED libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 2556 NEEDED libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 2602 NEEDED libcairo.so.2 2602 NEEDED libgtk-3.so.0 2602 NEEDED libgdk-3.so.0
Opera couldn't start even when I installed GTK-3 and GTK-2 libraries side-by-side. Running from a shell prompt:
# opera-developer (opera-developer:21217): Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported Trace/breakpoint trap
The bottom-line: the last developer build before 46.2602 is the end of the line for low-in-system-demand Linux distros that are based on GTK-2, such as Puppy Linux, that is unless Opera devs remove the on GTK-3 that they introduced in build 46.2602.
Above information submitted as DNAWIZ-16093.
RE: When using the system's dark theme, Opera becomes problematicOpera for Linux
I'm on Puppy Linux, one of its many variants.
RE: When using the system's dark theme, Opera becomes problematicOpera for Linux
Above information submitted as DNAWIZ-16093.
RE: When using the system's dark theme, Opera becomes problematicOpera for Linux
(re-posting because the previous post is badly formatted)
So build 46.2602, which I gather fixes this problem, now requires GKT-3, while any of the previous builds (I was using 46.2556) was perfectly happy to work with just GTK-2. I think this is bad. The new, higher requirements cut off from opera all Linux distros that don't include native GTK-3. Those are mostly the minimalistic distros (minimalistic not in the sense of "very few users" but rather "low system resource needs"). Is there a possibility to go back to GTK2 in a future build?
objdump -p opera-developer 46.2556 vs 46.6202 diff 2556 NEEDED libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 2556 NEEDED libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 2602 NEEDED libcairo.so.2 2602 NEEDED libgtk-3.so.0 2602 NEEDED libgdk-3.so.0
RE: When using the system's dark theme, Opera becomes problematicOpera for Linux
So build 46.2602, which I gather fixes this problem, now requires GKT-3, while any of the previous builds (I was using 46.2556) was perfectly happy to work with just GTK-2. I think this is bad. The new, higher requirements cut off from opera all Linux distros that don't include native GTK-3. Those are mostly the minimalistic distros (minimalistic not in the sense of "very few users" but rather "low system resource needs"). Is there a possibility to go back to GTK2 in a future build?
# objdump -p opera-developer 46.2556 vs 46.6202 diff < NEEDED libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 < NEEDED libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 --- > NEEDED libcairo.so.2 > NEEDED libgtk-3.so.0 > NEEDED libgdk-3.so.0
missing text on app.gotowebinar.comOpera for Linux
Opera dev 46.0.2556.0 Gnu/Linux 64. Two webinars I attended on app.gotowebinar.com were missing most of the text inside the right-hand side fly-out Q&A pane. This is where the gotowebinar app displays questions asked by attendees and answers given by presenters. The top Q&A text was visible, but when I scrolled down pane contents with the mouse wheel, to view new Q&As, the top text scrolled out but NO bottom text scrolled in, so I couldn't read the Q&A at all. This happened on two different webinars I attended one week apart from each other. I can't post a screenshot or a specific link, you need to attend a webinar to see for yourself.
RE: [Solved]45.0.2545.0 why depending compositing?Opera for Linux
I can confirm this bug. GNU/Linux 64 box with OpenBox window manager and no video compositing manager (not even installed, will not install a compositing manager).