@kmielczarczyk Yes, and sorry I came off too harsh but I was really mad at the current situation with Opera (the Aria icon is another pain point).
First of all, I prefer scrolling Tab Strip and have Tab Islands and Tab grouping disabled in Opera Beta.
Still, whenever I drag a tab on top, a new group/island gets created, and usually tha Tab Strip gets scrolled to another place (so I lose focus on the just dragged tabm which is anothe annoyance).
But the whole Tab area is a mess currently. Dragging a tab in Beta 113.0.5230.18 for instance can only be done if you are careful not moving the mouse outside the Tab Strip, or Opera instead resizes itself.
That also prevents fomr detaching a tab from a window.
Then there's the click on the active tab to mve to the top, which doesn't distinguish between a click and a drag and always goes to the top unconditionally.
There might be more but that is the most annoying thing to me.
(I also have more issues lately but I'm not sure those are Opera's faults or my distro/desktop's bugs)