Hi. I'm missing Home button from other browser and I did read Opera doesnt work with Home button.
So I use the SpeedDial button, but everytime I click it open in a new tab. There is a way, config or anything to SpeedDial is open in the same tab???
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Hi. I'm missing Home button from other browser and I did read Opera doesnt work with Home button.
So I use the SpeedDial button, but everytime I click it open in a new tab. There is a way, config or anything to SpeedDial is open in the same tab???
I tried connect my whatsap using Opera GX tab. The QR Code is there, but pointing cell camera to it, nothing happens. There is no error.
I use whatsapweb on PC. I disconnected all before, thinking could exist a conflict with app.
After tried many times, I did back to app (out of operaGX) and there the QR Code worked fine and did connect my phone to pc.
Hi, I recently installed the Opera GX for testing and I was opening websites which I use most.
I got this little issue with dark mode on: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com as you can see below
left = Opera GX - right = Chrome
image url)
I didnt saw this happens on another dark websites, but I did start today
PS: I saw I can block darkmode on specific URLs and I did that, but i'm report because I believe this is a bug