+100000000000 😛
It is still the main reason I don't switch to Opera 15+.
And I assume I'm not the only one: this item / request comes back again and again very often in the forum.
One example of the non logical default config:
You can already do previous/next with mouse gesture left/right. So why not redefine the rockergestures which do exactly the same thing?? (rocker gesture = hold one button and click the other)
This would be (much!! 🙂 ) useful:
Moreover, when you close a tab, I'm sure that very often your next action is to click on the tab bar to select an other tab, just because the new displayed one is not the one you wanted.
Why not let the user choose:
Etc... These are examples of what I was used to on Opera 12, but of course it can be different for anybody. Customization was SUCH a great great great feature!!!