Bookmark Sidebar:
1] Min width for the bookmark bar ought to be approximately 2 cm wide. Atm min width is ludicrous at 8.5 cm
2] Bookmarks feature icons, bookmark name/label, and the base website name it goes to.
a] Icons are great and require no translation.
b] The appended website name requires translation, and seems
to force significant amounts of truncating of the bookmark
name/label [This is REALLY awful, and atm forces me to have
an extremely wide bookmark sidebar to be able to even read
my bookmark names/labels].
Suggest removing that entirely.
Or add a UI toggle to hide/show those. And remove the
truncating effect that it applied to displaying bookmark
3] Bookmark sidebar features empty space [forced padding] on
the left and right of info displayed. I'd like to see some UI
settings to adjust that.
Myself, I'd prefer a bit less padding on the left, and much
less padding on the right. For reference, right side padding
is approximately 2 cm of empty space, which is consuming
a good chunk of horizontal screen real estate but provides zero
4] The bookmark sidebar response speed on dragging a bookmark
over to it, needs a UI setting.
Atm it is very fast, which when I mouse over a folder, that is
not my target to place the link into, it rapidly displays the
folder, and when the folder had many bookmarks, it can make
dropping a link quite difficult. Would favor more of a delay
before it automatically displays a folder I mouse over.