Ive created an account for the sole purpose of bitching about this shortcoming!
Ive just spent 2 f@#$%king hours stuffing about trying to find out how to fix this problem.
Only to find that there is just no fix. This lack of function is a complete balls-up in my opinion.
It is so time wasting to have to save files and then go to the folder and then open the file.
Many links to files (eg links to Google Earth KMZ files) are only ever opened once, but I may, during research, need to open 10 to 50 of these links!
Ive come from mozilla (Pale Moon) to help with some mozilla specific bugs, only to find that Opera is yet another Cut-down, limited function Browser.
Will the Developers please show a little respect for the professional end-user and PLEASE FIX THIS.
This is a MUST HAVE option for researchers. I wish some developer would make a decent, full function browser, Id bpay to have it and the support.
Best posts made by operanotsogood
RE: Donloading Files: Dialog Box "Open, Save, Save As, Cancel"Suggestions and feature requests