You know how we get to choose colours for the GX Theme? Well I wanted to ask if there would be option to make the theme be able to shift to different colours (like a GIF thing) and with the ability to choose several colours. Perhaps add rainbow variation too if that's planned.

Best posts made by notorious7302
[Suggestion]Rainbow-Like Theme?Opera GX
RE: [Suggestion]Rainbow-Like Theme?Opera GX
Update: I also agree with them:
- Suggestions and feature requests
Release Calendar ImprovementOpera GX
I think the release calendar should actually start from the today's date instead of the beginning of the month since I would always have to click right to see upcoming game releases
- Opera GX
[Suggestion]Youtube on sidebar for published videos or live streams?Opera GX
maybe consider adding youtube to the sidebar as a way to easily watch recent videos or see available livestreams from subscriptions similar to twitch?
- Opera GX
[Suggestion]An option to auto-enable RAM, CPU, and possibly Network Limiters when it reaches above a certain limitOpera GX
An option to auto-enable RAM, CPU, and possibly Network Limiters when it reaches above a certain limit
This could prevent heating issues or usage I guess...