Update: After a of googling, I found a program, operapassview,that will read the contents of the wand.dat file. It is a M$ program, which is fine. I just copied to wand file to my NAS and ran the program. I now have a CSV file of the passwords. I haven't tried reading them in yet.
Posts made by MrVideo
RE: Exporting 12.16 passwordsOpera for Linux
Exporting 12.16 passwordsOpera for Linux
Fedora 27 - Opera12.16
I need to export the Opera password file as a CSV file. I've been googling, but every example does not apply to this version. opera://settings/passwords doesn't work either.
Can the password fil be exported as CSV and if so, how?
RE: Can't import Opera 12 goodiesOpera for Linux
Thanks for the info. In other words, the built-in capability that it is supposed to have, it really doesn't have.
I've seen a web page from a user of an older version (26 I think) that had an image of the Browser selection box and Opera 12 was listed. Why it has been removed from the latest versions is really strange. It doesn't make any sense.
RE: Can't import Opera 12 goodiesOpera for Linux
Is this possible, or not? I've got years worth of stuff built up into the two running browsers. I really do not want to start over.
RE: Where is Opera 12 -pd CLI option?Opera for Linux
Thanks for the info. I've not been able to test any of this as I am having one issue after another trying to get Fedora 25 installed. The Fedora 25 MATE spin installs, but it freezes the computer constantly. So, I'm trying the main server edition and that is not going well.
RE: Where is Opera 12 -pd CLI option?Opera for Linux
Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try. Hopefully the short version is --pd.
Where is Opera 12 -pd CLI option?Opera for Linux
With Opera 12, when I would start Opera, I was able to use the -pd option in order to use a different .opera directory. I can have two browsers open. The main one used the .opera file and when I was doing something specific, I'd start another opera with "-pd .opera_2".
From what I gather, the profiles are now in .config/opera, so ultimately I will want to get my .opera_2 stuff into what I suspect will be .config/opera_2.
So, how do I tell Opera 44 what profile directory to use on startup?
Can't import Opera 12 goodiesOpera for Linux
Opera 44 help explains how to import stuff from other browsers and specifically that I can import from Opera 12.
But, when I do that, the only browsers listed are Mozilla and Chrome. So, how do I import all of my stuff from Opera 12?
RE: Opening link in new tab issuesOpera for Linux
Thanks. I went back to the "learn more" and now see that. My eyes went to the section that started with the bold letters regarding mouse gestures and there was nothing there about using the right button. Then I looked above that line and there it was. Suggestion: put that statement below the bold line.
Oh, yep that worked.
RE: Opening link in new tab issuesOpera for Linux
Thanks, the middle mouse button trick works. Going to have to get used to that, as I still have the old Linux running with Opera 12.16. Not sure why that shortcut with the mouse would be changed.
As for the move down trick, that does not work. When I click and hold on the link and move the rodent down, all that happens is that I see the link text and the link itself in a gray box that moves with the pointer. Clicking and holding on an empty space and moving down highlights the text.
Opening link in new tab issuesOpera for Linux
I'm build up a new Fedora Linux system and playing with it. I have Opera 12.16 running in the old Linux box and needless to say, Opera 36 is different. I'm getting the hang of it, but one thing that I can't seem to find a fix for is getting a link to open in a new tab the same way it does in Opera 12.
In the old version, I can hold the shift key and click on the link and it will open in a new tab and the focus will go to that tab. Now when I do that it opens a new window. How do I change that?
And before you say to right-click on the link and select "Open link in a new tab," that doesn't work correctly either. Yes, it opens the link in a new tab, but the focus stays in the current tab.
Any points in getting this to work will be appreciated.