@leocg we walks in circle, i am saying there is 2 place to see downloading files and i toldeverything, there is one place to see top of right corners i said it short list and the other download tab (opera://downloads), all problems on download tab, short list only keep 11 item and i already cant see long time downloading file, because i download huge file and in a hour downloading other little thinks if i shouldnt use hours this browser, there will be no problem because huge file will stay in hours, but this browser is to use and i couldnt keep myself many hours without downloading little filkes like pictures, pdfs, mail files, and quickly short list get full and i just see huge files on download tab (opera://downloads) i think this problem will never solve because nobody understand about it, if you understand me find 100 gb file then download it then look short list and download tab you will see this file on both of them then download 11 pdf file document from web then you cant see this 100 gb file on short list because it will get full, you can see this file only download tab or manager (opera://downloads) then when file get 99.99 gb, turn of wifi and let download crash and what a nice file , you will have 99.99 gb file but there is nothing about in opera and you cant complete download you should download it from beginning, father tired i think i cant tell this story anymore it is very simple and nobody understant.
Posts made by Mesyymes
RE: Always show unfinished downloads in recent downloads listSuggestions and feature requests
RE: Always show unfinished downloads in recent downloads listSuggestions and feature requests
@leocg i dont know how to tell, it is very simple short list is working very well. but short list is limited 11 items after that i can see downloadings files shortlist and download tab, if i download until 11 item there is no problem because every time i can see situtation of files on short list and many time i can contune crashed downloads. if download contune i can also see files download tab, problem is on download tab, if i am downloading more than 11 file it is problem, imagine i am downloading huge 2 files, then i am downloading other small files quickly short list be full and i can see files download tab if it is contunei i have 2 files now on download that it exited from short list because of short list 11 item limit, thint that one of 2 files is crashed , download tab will delete contune and information link but there is still one file on download tab that is downloading. if it is crashed i will lost also that file, and i can see that files on downloading folder with opdownload extension, download tab is deleting links when download crash but opera is working and other downloading is contuning. it shows me that if i will download huge files only i can download 11 files but last files take 10 hours to be downloaded, some times it takes more time, last time it has done like this after 10 hours waiting i lost 2 files 1.8 gb and 1 gb file and i can still see opdownload files on my computer, and when i lost them another downloading was contuning, it is very big sucsees to be suff like this who add this on opera i celebrate them after 20 years usage i think it is time to high use for another browser.
RE: Always show unfinished downloads in recent downloads listSuggestions and feature requests
@leocg i will tell part by part.
one : shor list is downloading or downloaded list where locacated top of the right corner.
2 ) short list shows only 11 items
3) downloading file or crashed download can be show in short list
4) if i downloaded more than 11 files, except of 11 files i can see them downloading tab.
5) if download is crashed i will look short list if i can see file in short list i click contune and world will be better place.
6) if i cannot see file in short list i when download crashed because of any erro (network, server) naturally i am looking to downloadf tab but there is nothing about this file and cannot contune.
7) file is lost on opera but i can see half file in download folder.
opera is still download and work there is no another problem.
9) problem basicly if download crasher opera delete downloading information on download tab and because of it i cant copmlete downloading, i should download again from beggining.
10) my last lost file was 1.8 gb and 1gb it tooks 10 hours to download, if i download it correctly i shouldnt download more than 11 files that i can see this file on short list and i can contune when download crashes. but it is not good for me some times i am downloading 20 files same time. When i use firefox or chrome there is no problem like this. if others dont have this problem opera sholudnt have too. if others manage this why opera cant. and there is no meaning for opera deleting my download contune link from downloading tab. -
RE: Always show unfinished downloads in recent downloads listSuggestions and feature requests
@caminashell i have still a downloadin file on downloading tab that i cannot see short list on the top of the right corner and guess what, if it is stopped because of any problem i will lost this file too, opera is still working only problem opera delete file information crashed downloads just downloading tab if i download a few files tehere is no problem because i can see a few files on short list.
RE: Always show unfinished downloads in recent downloads listSuggestions and feature requests
@caminashell see photos, theres 2 files named udemy, so ı can see files in my downloading folder but when i search in downloading tab in opera there is nothing, when downloading file is short list if it is stopped by server easly i can click on short list on the right top corner contune, but if i add another files to download naturally i can see all downloading files on short list, but if downloading is still contuning i can see downloading tab, it is very magic that if download stopped and it is not on short list i cant find it downloading tab, but files are still on downloading folder but there is no way to contune download because there is nothing in opera, and opera is istill working and if i have any other downloading files it is contuning or i can contune crashed download by clicking on short list, problem is on downloading tab, when download stop, if file is on short list i can see, but if it is not on short list opera delete file information. Today i lost 2 files and i lost 10 hours because it took 10 hours to download and i contune this file many time when it is stopped in short list