I've been a Opera user since forever (version 5, I think). Because Opera Software seems to have abandoned their Linux version and since their new Presto-less browser seem to be pretty bare-bones, in start contrast to the feature-fest that has always been what I loved about the old Opera (<= 12.x), I've been thinking for a while that I should make the move to one of the competitors. Firefox and Chrome/Chromium are the only relevant choices as far as I can tell.
Anyone else here who have done made the switch?
I've grown so used to Opera and its features and its way of doing thinks that whenever I use a different browser I have a miserable time. So my question is basically, how can I make the transition as smooth as possible? Can Chrome/Firefox replicate most of these features/idiosyncrasies:
Ctrl-Tab switches to most recently-used tab, not to right-hand tab.
Open new tabs on the far right, not next to current tab
Stack tabs, detach tabs
Multiple sessions, saving sessions
Single-key shortcuts
Mouse gestures
Mouse "gesture": right click + left click = back, left click + right click = forwards
Bookmark panel (not menu or bar)
Links/windows panel