@leocg That's why I recommended a stickied comment. The fact that some feel that the "Show more..." flag was an acceptable compromise despite adding another click a two-click operation into a three-click operation when everyone is wanting it to revert to a one-click operation does make me wonder if there is a disagreement on what "accessible" really means.
In that case, the sorting isn't working correctly. Not that the UI is exactly good on it. Or in other places; some of the checkboxes act weird. Another reason I wonder if there is a disagreement on what "accessible" really means, as well as whether some folks have odd concepts of UI design.
As for that link, it was from months ago for older versions. And while other threads show the failed attempt at placation (the "Show more..." flag), they seem to still be avoiding the real issue.
I understand that you're just a moderator and not in charge of design decisions, but the most helpful response I've seen on this issue boils down to "it's gone, suck it up!". And that was in response to a request for a feature change!
Can you understand how no part of this forum experience has been helpful or productive for anyone?