@shwetankdixit, I don't see anything about Linux mentioned in the documentation.
On my DNA-23526 bug-report I got this answer:
Could you try using following paths /etc/chromium/native-messaging-hosts or: <OPERA_PROFILE_DIR>/NativeMessagingHosts Profile path will be displayed on opera:about page.`Opera:about doesn't show anything about a google-chrome path, but mentioned path worked at that moment. Please don't blame me for filing more bug reports when it stopped working. The path really changed between versions, without documentation or rationale.
And it feels wrong and risky:
If Google-Chrome isn't installed, the google-chrome path is a path any program can create/write to.
And when you have Chrome installed and decide to drop it because you prefer Opera, and remove Chrome and all of it's settings, suddenly Opera fails. Doesn't make sense to me.