постоянно всё обновляю и чищу, видео не воспроизводится только в опере

Latest posts made by javaprincess
RE: опера перестала воспроизводить видео из инстаграмаРусский
RE: Opera crashes when trying to download a fileOpera for Linux
Also updated to 42.0.2393.351 on archlinux - opera still crashes when trying to download.
Disabling [Ask where to save each file before downloading] option allows me to download affected files from the websites. Please be so kind as to not remove this option.
With thanks & kindness.Thank you, dude! It fixed the problem while I tried to open any file in the browser (under Ubuntu)
RE: Opera 42.0.2393.94 crashes downloading PDF fileOpera for Linux
Faced this problem almost every day, it's awful trouble. Anybody knows how to set preffered applications for MIME file types? I suppose it would fix the problem, but I couldn't find any MIME settings in Opera
Watch YouTube video from last positionOpera for Linux
If I open a previously viewed video at the Opera, the video starts from the beginning and not at the point where I finished watching it. How to fix it? In Chrome and Mozilla everything works fine