I believe it is Opera's responsibility to notify users on each of its platforms, not just a couple places - that means Opera shou dhave emailed those who used the email account. I used the email account for some storage, but didn't routinely use the other programs. One should not have to obsessively check up on an account in random places, just in case.....!
Posts made by hhartus
RE: no notification about myopera shutdownOpera account
RE: no notification about myopera shutdownOpera account
I ran into the same problem, and I'm pretty sure I did NOT get an announcement, or anything obvious. Now I'm glad I didn't start making more use of Opera.
RE: Opera Mail - no notificationOpera account
I ran into the same problem. It would have been nice at the very least to have gotten an email notice! A chance to save wanted messages and switch services would be nice, I agree.