With my iPhone SE 2020 and Opera, I can AirPlay to my TV with no issues with IOS 17, including 17.1.7. When the screen goes off I can see it continues playing with no issues.
About 2 months ago, I did upgrade to 18, and found it kept disconnect Airplay about 30 seconds after the phone goes to sleep. With a Signed IPSW IOS 17 I downgraded to 17 and restore an iCloud backup. Worked again with no issues.
Since 18.1 came out, my phone has been nagging me to upgrade, so I did it thinking Apple would have resolved the AirPlay disconnecting issue. Unfortunately no such luck and the issue is there.
Unfortunately there is no long an IOS 17 Signed downgrade option at the moment.
Does anyone else have this issue with Opera (Safari is fine, but I prefer Opera) how to fix the issue with IOS 18.1 been unreliable with AirPlay and when the phone goes to sleep ?
Thank you