At random points whenever i watch youtube the video starts to glitch.
My OS is Windows 11
Opera version is LVL 3 (core: 82.0.4227.25)
What causes it to happen occurs sometimes since its not consistent. it happen when i exit full screen for the first time on a video or when i scroll down to read comment and scroll back up.
What happens is that the video suddenly moves sideways very fast till it becomes a blur. When i go full screen the video stays still but there is a slight blue and red tint slight off of what is centered on screen. Along with that when i exit full screen the video is broke into different parts with giant black space in between. This also ends up effecting all other youtube videos that i open afterwards.
I have checked on other browser and it this glitch has not happened even after doing the action that cause it to happen on Opera GX.
Can you please help me fix this or offer suggestion on how to get this fix.