@cancribara said:
Una maravilla, no entiendo por qué la gente dice que no funciona con YouTube; recién reinstalé Windows por un conflicto con una app (Macrium Reflect) que dañó mi sistema operativo y este requería una reinstalación de cero, ya que era irremediable; instalé OperaGX y en YouTube tenía un anuncio grande, instalé esta extensión, la ajusté, di F5 en YT, ¡y cero anuncios!, y eso que todavía ni inicio sesión en mi cuenta
It's a marvel, I don't understand why people say it doesn't work with YouTube; I just reinstalled Windows due to a conflict with an app (Macrium Reflect) that damaged my operating system and required a clean reinstall since it was irreparable; I installed OperaGX, and on YouTube, I had a big ad. I installed this extension, adjusted it, pressed F5 on YouTube, and no more ads! And that's even before I logged into my account.
It works for me too.
So just play around with the settings people