I just gave up! After almost 10 years of using Opera as my major browser, belief in its potential & uniqueness, of sacrificing time and nerves in filling compatibility gaps and whatnot, and of using my opera mailbox & connections with people - now the Opera crew managed to banish me finally.
I don't care if they had the info about my opera closure around the net - its at least completely unprofessional to not grace us with a single email warning. To be the worse, they've gone that far not providing strait forward help nor instructions about saving accounts data.
And this is not the first time they had this kind of attitude toward users - the special kind of arrogance is being noted over time by many.
I have an impression that good old Opera was maintained by a whole another team, and all changes that pissed off users over time, might have come from some other agendas, of some different people taking over Opera...