Aria is not working for me, it asked me to sign in using my Opera account and I did it but Aria still not working for me. I get the same message every time I open the button on the side bar.

Latest posts made by aurariandance
RE: Opera unveils integrated browser AI: AriaBlogs
Opera needs a Time counter and better Speed Dial customizationSuggestions and feature requests
The first suggestion is related to a functionality similar to Pomodoro. With a time counter, the user would be able to block some pages for a time period while focus on work, studying and other stuff. That would be cool for people trying to improve productivity.
The second suggestion is related to Speed Dial customization. Right now I'm using Opera One and three weeks ago I was using Opera GX. That said, in both version, speed dial customization feels limited.
As we can see, some frames use color and symbol marks for a site, but other ones use only symbols or colours, others are transparent. It would be cool if user could choose colours and symbols at choice, because sometimes, some sites just show links or empty backgrounds. Just imagine the IBM mark with a customised yellow background, for example. Doing things like that would be great.
RE: [Suggestion] Auto-hide option for side barSuggestions and feature requests
@leocg Oh, well, I didn't know it. Thanks for your answers.
RE: [Suggestion] Auto-hide option for side barSuggestions and feature requests
@leocg yeah, but that feature is not available. I can't see it.
RE: [Suggestion] Auto-hide option for side barSuggestions and feature requests
@leocg Thank you, I know that option already. I think I didn't explain my suggestion properly.
An auto-hide option would make the side bar come on top when the mouse is placed upon it and hide when it is not in use. This would keep the side bar active always, without manual activation when its features are needed.
RE: [Suggestion] Auto-hide option for side barSuggestions and feature requests
@leocg Oh, I'm very sorry. Guess I did a bad work searching for it. How can I active that function?
[Suggestion] Auto-hide option for side barSuggestions and feature requests
I consider that an auto-hide option for side bar would help to maintain a fully clean and organised UI while browsing when the user is not using chats, players and other features.
Right now, the side bar, while small, sometimes it feels intrusive and modifies the visualization of some sites due to the scale of the content and the user configuration regarding zoom.