Ok, Opera Mini works and another alternative (UCBrowser) works too with https: sites.
UCBrowser for Symbian S60 v9.2.0.336 S60V3 date: 2013-10-15
Do more on the web, with a fast and secure browser!
Download Opera browser with:
Ok, Opera Mini works and another alternative (UCBrowser) works too with https: sites.
UCBrowser for Symbian S60 v9.2.0.336 S60V3 date: 2013-10-15
I submitted an official bug report to https://bugs.opera.com/wizard/mobile
Browser: Opera Mobile for Symbian 12.00 (2258), phone Nokia C5-00 (browser info: Last updated(?) 2011
Browser which works with https: sites (Opera Mini for Symbian 7.1), browser info: Last updated(?) 2012
Tried older version Opera Mobile v11.50 but no difference, ssl-sites don't seem to open.
Obviously this Opera Mobile 12 for Symbian needs an update.
This is strange, Opera Mini for Symbian opens https: sites okay in Nokia C5-00.
But the Opera Mobile 12 browser rejects the https connections.