всичко си работи перфектно тегли със мнго богат избор всичко си е наред

Best posts made by Arch4Mage
- Opera add-ons
RE: SaveFrom.net helperOpera add-ons
it's the same with me, that's why I reinstalled the opera and it's fine now everything is fine but I use many applications but not always the error is from the application itself from you tube they limit the download or stop it outright and you think that the application is not working yes but no do this thing reinstall your browser and install this app again
RE: SaveFrom.net helperOpera add-ons
@richardson said in SaveFrom.net helper:
К сожалению приложение стало портачить когда хочется скачать видео под роликами нет вашей программы для скачивания просто пропадает !
reinstall opera again and go to opera addons and download some addons 4 and download everything you want and you won't have any problems this is not a bug from opera but the programmers want to limit the download otherwise opera works as it should https://addons .opera.com/bg/extensions/details/savefromnet-
helper/ https://addons.opera.com/bg/extensions/details/any-media-downloader/ https://addons.opera.com/bg/extensions/details/youtube-downloader-udl-helper/ https: //addons.opera.com/bg/extensions/details/youtube-downloader-udl-helper/ -
RE: SaveFrom.net helperOpera add-ons
aquí están tus programas de retiro ahora puedes retirar