Sorry, I obviously meant < ... and then ... >
Latest posts made by guidoruzzier
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
That sounds better. I'll work on it in the next days, and than I'll come back and tell you.
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
Thx. This is what it looks like:
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\operaprefs.ini
Sessione salvata
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\sessions\
Cartella di Opera
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail
Cartella della posta
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mailI suppose I should work on < Cartella della posta >, since that's where my stuff presently resides. If it's so, which < Opera Mail > folder should I remove, to be placed into < G:\Opera Mail >? The first or the second? In other words, the final result should be:
G:\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mail
or just
G:\Opera Mail\mail ?Thx again, and good night!
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
Nothing, now: I even deleted the empty folder with that name that I had created.
Thank you for taking so much trouble - it's the first time ever that I cannot solve such a stupid problem, by myself or with the help of some nice person like you...
Most of what I found in forums etc. refers to Opera's old mail program, and I have noticed that there are a lot of perplexed users around, now that there's Opera Mail. -
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
I had tried that before, knowing that the slash < / > I had used could have been the wrong one, and that I should probably have used < \ >, but it hadn't helped.
I was thinking that maybe the instruction < Mail Root Directory=G:\Opera Mail > should go under some heading other than "Mail" in < operaprefs.ini >, and/or that my < Opera Mail > file should be transferred from < C:\Utenti\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera Mail > to a different place than just < G:\Opera Mail >.
I haven't tried to create a folder < G:\Opera|Opera Mail > - do you think that could do the trick?
Thanks! -
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
No, that went automatically and everything is OK. Kindly read my message of April 7, at the head of this Discussion, and my other questions. I would welcome your suggestions, if you have any. Thx!
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
That's exactly what I did - twice! - as I explained in detail in my previous message at 4:25 PM today, but it didn't work. -
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
Same question again: what do you mean by < mail folder >?- I took the folder < C:/Utenti/Guido/AppData/Roaming/Opera/Opera Mail" > with everyting inside it, and moved it to < G:/", thus obtaining a folder called < G:/Opera Mail" > with the same contents.
- I changed the "Mail" part in < operaprefs.ini > by adding the suggested line, so that the whole item looked as follows:
< [Mail] Mail Database Consistency Check Time=1396699861 Mail Default Flat Threaded View=0 Default Mail Sorting=7 Default Mail Sorting Ascending=0 Default Mail Search Type=1 Mail Message Width List On Top=0 Mail Root Directory=G:/Opera Mail >. - I rebooted my pc (it runs on Windows 7).
- I opened Opera Mail, it was totally and virginally empty and asked me to set up an account, &c.
- I rebooted &c.
- I went thru the whole process backwards, and Opera Mail reappeared, with all the stuff that I had put into it since installation in it - accounts, mail, labels, &c.
- Everything works perfectly, but I have not solved my problem: How can I move all that stuff to my beloved < G:/ > external disk, and feel safe?
Where did I go wrong?
Any correction, or further instruction?
RE: {Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?Opera for Windows
Thanks, but I do not understand your instruction "Move your mail folder": which mail folder? where should I move it to?
I changed the "Mail" part in operaprefs.ini, which now looks like you can see here:[Mail]
Mail Database Consistency Check Time=1396699861
Mail Default Flat Threaded View=0
Default Mail Sorting=7
Default Mail Sorting Ascending=0
Default Mail Search Type=1
Mail Message Width List On Top=0
Mail Root Directory=G:/Opera MailWhat else should I do? What happens then?
(Don't say I didn't warn everyone that I am not versed in technical matters...)
Thanks again! -
{Opera Mail} Come faccio a spostare l'archivio di Opera Mail su un disco esterno?Italiano
Salve! Fra un paio di mesi avrò 80 anni, sono così vecchio che non mi ricordo più quanti anni fa ho ACQUISTATO il mio primo browser Opera, da un rappresentante di Roma (e mi ci erano voluti un paio di giorni per scaricare il file...): vi prego di scusare la mia ingenua richiesta, ma certe cose non le ho mai imparate, o le ho dimenticate.
Sono passato da poco da Eudora a Opera Mail 1.0 (Build 1040). Con Eudora tenevo tutto l'archivio, per sicurezza, su un disco esterno. Purtoppo, non ho pensato a dove Opera lo avrebbe sistemato, e mi sono accorto solo ora che risiede da qualche parte sul disco fisso. Sarebbe possibile spostarlo adesso da dov'è al disco esterno? Esiste un metodo facile, del tipo "Per negati", per farlo?
Grazie molte!
Guido Ruzzier, Milano.