Any special Mac-only things missing in Opera?
zorglub99 last edited by Apr 5, 2014, 9:41 PM
I realize that the above comment does not really fit within this thread, in the sense that the greyed-out "Bookmark Importer" is not a "Mac-only thing." Yet, using a Mac or not, average and power users alike are put off by the absence of this basic feature.
There is one "Mac-only thing" that I could suggest: greater integration with scholarly tools.
For instance, Mellel is one of the preferred word-processors for those who care about writing, and it is often used in conjunction with Bookends for references. It would be ideal if Opera could serve as the third element of this triad by facilitating the toggling back and forth between the browser and the word-processor, enabling for instance to select text from a website that could then be pasted in a chosen format with a short-cut. For instance, I am dealing with Chinese sources and often need to look up a particular expression in the online Buddhist Canon. Jumping from there to the word-processor, occasionally copying a passage, would be a wonderful addition.In this business-centered world, it would be nice for Opera developers to target a slightly different niche of users, who are maybe more critical of mainstream software. Opera could market itself as the equivalent of "organic food" in the browser competition.
pimz last edited by Apr 9, 2014, 9:38 AM
+1 for Notification Centre support.
What, exactly, do you want to see in the Notification Center?
Completed downloads, and not sure if possible, but it would be great if extensions could use it as well.
Other specific Mac things that I would like to see supported are iCloud tabs and iCloud keychain.
tlatch89 last edited by Aug 3, 2014, 11:32 PM
iCloud Bookmarks syncing to stash, speed dial, or bookmarks.. since Safari is the default iphone browser.
Deleted User last edited by Feb 1, 2015, 8:20 AM
I think battery life is very important for Opera because Google Chrome drain our battery and this feature can improve Opera popularity among Mac users.
Many thanks to the Opera team
threatdown last edited by Feb 7, 2015, 5:55 PM
Looks like chromium has been working on integrating app nap etc... so it can fully suspend background tabs like safari, so hopefully we see this in opera as well in the near future:
The bug report says this will be in chrome version 42, so shouldn't be too long until we see it methinks
m-rick last edited by Feb 15, 2015, 9:17 PM
- Safari feature "Send page link by email"
- Safari feature "Send content of the page by email"
- A better and simpler way to manage bookmarks, like inSafari, it is not even possible to sort and display them at the first level of the bookmarks menu in Opera…
- Open back a tab or a window closed by inadvertence
- 64 bit
- Safari feature "Page reader"
- Modify on the fly the search engine
dmoriarty3 last edited by Mar 1, 2015, 9:02 PM
Please ignore the point about Pinch to Zoom, it is already here! I mainly use Safari because of the reader feature. Having several browsers is always a good idea on all platforms, just incase websites don't work with one, they may work with another. Sorry for the confusion. I can't edit my post, because it is awaiting moderation.
dmoriarty3 last edited by Mar 1, 2015, 9:39 PM
My first post was awaiting moderation. I newly created an account and I needed to edit the post. I confirmed my email address and posted a correction. The correction appeared. The points for the original post are:-
The Mac App Store version of Opera doesn't display local webpages stored on the hard drive, please fix. Please don't get rid of the downloadable mac version of Opera. If you do I will get rid of Opera.
The Opera Help Search feature doesn't work. If you search for Print it says it can't find it, and asks if you meant "Print" underlined. If you click of the Print hyperlink nothing happens. The browser does nothing. Opening the same webpage in Safari works.
+1 Safari feature "Page reader" - although I do have an extension that does this, ClearPages 2.0.1. It will eat text in form fields! I am having to rewrite this from memory for the second time today!
Good to have clickable links in PDF's generated by Opera - but can images please have all of the image clickable? This happens in Safari, but only the bottom part of the image is clickable in Opera.
Thank you very much for your attention. Sorry for any confusion.
dmoriarty3 last edited by Mar 1, 2015, 9:42 PM
I normally only use Safari, but it is a good idea to have several browsers available just incase one website doesn't work with one, it may work with another. Checking on Opera in the System Profiler, it appears that Opera 27.0 is 64 bit.
dmoriarty3 last edited by Mar 2, 2015, 8:40 AM
The Mac App Store version of Opera doesn't open local webpages stored on the hard drive. It comes up with an error. I am using the downloaded mac version. This is very frustrating. Please don't get rid of the downloadable version! If the Mac App Store version isn't fixed and the downloadable mac version is got rid of, I will get rid of Opera from my mac.
Pinch to Zoom support in Opera. I would like to use the Pinch to Zoom magic trackpad gesture in Opera.
Opera Help Search doesn't work! I am able to search for stuff in Opera web help using Safari, but not in Opera. If you search for "Print" it comes up with no machos and "Did you mean 'Print'" with Print underlined. When you click on Print nothing happens.
+1 Safari feature "Page reader"
Note I am using Mavericks 10.9.5 with no Java. Opera 27.0.
marcfritzsche last edited by Mar 27, 2015, 3:26 PM
I would like to be able to dictate my e-mails in Opera Mail with the built-in offline dictation mode in OSX Yosemite.
hofi last edited by Apr 1, 2015, 10:36 PM
please integrate the OSX Services menu item into the content right click context menu, just like in safari or chrome, this is one of the most missed feature for me, one click access of the services os a must have nowadays!
thank you in advance!