Can't activate left sidebar to use sync functions on Opera 26 in Ubuntu 14.04
Deleted User last edited by
Anyone knows how to activate the side bar on Opera? the one that used to be by default there when it was installed, that now is not there anymore.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
linuxmint7 last edited by
The latest version of Opera (version 15 and newer) has had nothing in common with the older version of Opera for almost two years. They are completely different browsers, based on completely different engines (guts). The old version 12.17 and older were based on Opera ASA's own propitiatory (in-house) engine and the new Opera is based on the open source Chromium engine. They are not compatible and share nothing with each other, except name. The new Opera has been built entirely from scratch. You should maybe do a little research to maybe enlighten yourself on what has happened regarding Opera over the past two years.
Oh. and unless you have uninstalled it yourself, the older version of Opera you were using before the so called upgrade should still be installed and working on your computer.