Where to locate java runtime environment tm make online opera-mini simulator workable?
jmwking last edited by
You install Java runtime from an executable as an application in Windows. On my machine, it installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java.
Download the installer here: http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp
Then disable Java in browsers that don't need it: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/?s=disable+java
boymax11 last edited by
Why this resource are working:mini-simulator - Opera Software, but that one
demo.opera-mini.net/---no (or not always). So I want to ask where to download the
offline version of opera-mini simulator, as I have read there is such to be.//And about Java support.
In IE the JAva is checked in tools as supported but simulator does not work, incomparably with OPERA browser? -
boymax11 last edited by
Sorry after tryinbg the second time http://www.opera.com/ru/developer/opera-mini-simulator is not working as well as http://demo.opera-mini.net/. Sp the reason is in something else, but in what?
jmwking last edited by
Regardless of the computer, if the java test site fails, the mini simulator will almost surely also fail. If the test site fails, you'll have to install the Java runtime environment - and I still recommend you install it in Chrome as the safest handling of possible Java exploits.
Additionally, some firewalls block access to proxy servers, including Opera Mini servers, especially at schools and libraries where kids routinely browse the internet. Otherwise, they can use proxies to get around any age-appropriate content filtering.
For both reasons, I'm not sure the library will let you install Java on, or access the Mini Simulator from, their computers.
In case you missed it, here's a discussion of last year's java security warning:
boymax11 last edited by
Sorry but no child in principle have access to this library resources. Moreover the simulator improbably is known for this programmers. As the emulator and simulator of Opera works at this net but some social net are blocked in regular internet. Today situation reiterated on library pc, and the same was at my pc. That initial launch of this simolator was succesful but next ones has failed. So it is probably issue in java setting less probable in library settings as similar situation was at my pc. I have asked about offline simulator is there is such. I think it should be without it. As the failings means that screen of phone at pc screen are black. As i use standart phone version of opera mini there the screen of opera mini is workable without net connection. So i don out understand your focus on securit. You mean that it viruse biased or affectionable to another type of intrusion. Anyway what it could be in danger at my pc as I even have not regular bothvirus cause my windows installer is not workable. Taking you side I shoud confer that the firewall and java test is successful first time only. But i do not understand fully what you mean under java test-initial testing of simulator procedure during its launch or something else?
boymax11 last edited by
Sorry I meant I have no antivirus but it appeared error "bothvirus" as I use typeguessing throug T9 on the phone.
jmwking last edited by
I have no idea if the mini simulator can be installed locally as a java aplet. But if you're having intermittent java issues, you should resolve those first. Try different computers on different ISPs and see if you can find a pattern.
Otherwise, I'm out of ideas.
romansrf last edited by
You should uninstall old java version and delete java folders in /program files, /app data. Then install latest version http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html
You can use microemulator to run opera mini on pc http://code.google.com/p/microemu/downloads/list
nowurtalkin last edited by
NO FREAKIN WAY YOU GUYS REALLY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER... uh-uh... No way! That is a PUT ON! (was it Klingon..??) lol
boymax11 last edited by
How use this mini-emulators. Should I use it on pc, or on the phone or othe device. As I am interested to have it on pc as simulator essentially save my internet traffic but the screen is larger than on the phone. Is that mini emulator offline version off the online simulator? As the full simulator take about 10 mb and it has defficiency in installation on my pc so I cannot use it. Other question I use online simulator that again at the second time do not work. I even restarted pc but nothing help. The simulator show the label "downloading applet" then in the case of succsesful it should show that applet downloaded. But in after downloading applet I get "invalid bytecode". What it could to be. 3. Why this simulator is working on OPERA but do not work on other browser. As it need downloading plug in. As I have already read-the google show the java site after searching "opera java" that this browser do not support java. Only some built-in environment do it. But how simulator works at least one time per day or so?
boymax11 last edited by
But there is an tools preferences that allow to enable java. What is in real?
boymax11 last edited by
So i do know why it works at Opera. It has builtin java support so it doesnt need plug in. The other issue is why it not always working. So I want to ask what is java plug in for mozilla and chrome-is it simple jre package. Should it located in plug in folders of mozilla and chrome. But it would be cumbersome. As I located jre 1.5 in c-program files-java and it doesnt work. What should I do. This jre take about 54 mb maybe it is too few. As i found at eclipse folder the jre -125mb. Should I place it where now is jre 1.5. Or really place jre in mozilla plug in folder. But I have 3 browsers except the Opera itself??
boymax11 last edited by
Maybe here is the reason: I have only 1.xx jre version. But I have seen that in workable Chrome on another PC, there is also another 6.0 version or update. So maybe I need move such folder from another computer or install this update. Maybe operamini simulator needs some higher version of java environment?