Search engine default change.
Harveyp last edited by leocg
There is no "Search" entry in "Settings". How can I make another search engine the default? Here I have a browser that offers me a modicum of privacy, but I am obliged to use Go-Ogle...
tao102 last edited by
Tap the Google "G" at the corner of the address bar and there are additional options for Wikipedia, eBay, and Amazon. No, it's not much, and that's the whole of the search engine configurability .
I assume the revenue Opera gets from Google for pushing Google Search means it will be a long time before Mini sees competing search engines.
Obligatory last edited by
@tao102 what a sham! I had to set up an opera account and consent to data collection and unwanted emails just to find out there is no way to change default search engine. How invasive! What is another browser that actually protects privacy and avoids the monopolising surveillance corporations?
Niamh2 last edited by
yeah, it's so irritating. every time i install opera mini, i need to change the default search engine.