sync bookmark rollback
Tumour last edited by
I used to have an up to date bookmark section with all the links i needed workwise but all of a sudden it rolled back to a much older version and i have no clue how to turn it back to the recent version. Thanks.
jogress last edited by jogress
Will subscribe to the thread. My situation isn't too drastic, but still I got a few hours of accurate bookmark sorting rollbacked.
- Sorted bookmarks, deleted bookmarks, renamed folders.
- Noticed synchronization turned off
- Turned on synchronization
- Instead of saving the current changes, it downloaded the version from the past - bookmarks moved back and folders renamed themselvees back too. Funny enough - newly created folders were emptied, but not deleted (and some got renamed to generic folder names)
Why the synchronization work like that (overrides new changes with old data) and doesn't check for what version is actually newer? It could also ask the user what version he wants to keep (like Microsoft OneNote does when facing conflicts). Or it could provide an option to roll back the last sync.