Dislikes in YouTube™
Monstrok last edited by Monstrok
Started a week ago, on Opera gx when the extension is enabled, the video player freezes in some videos on YouTube.
Fiskefrej last edited by
It ruined my ui permanently when i downloaded it on opera, it permanently changed the ui making it unbearable on any other website than youtube. It also changed some things in youtube like added a border and outline to video. Hate this.
Moloch01 last edited by
The Dislikes counter disappears when I hit the 'Like' icon in Opera. In Firefox that doesn't happen. Weird. Other than that, it works fine.
matticreeper last edited by
when i like or dislike it it says that the video has over 1b likes and on shorts it wont work
CallMeSplitz last edited by
Whenever you like a video on youtube, the dislikes disappear. It looks like people have been leaving comments about it for months, and it's probably the kinda polish that the extension needs to be everyone's go to opera extension for returning youtube dislikes