Opera Mini beta for Windows Phone - ready for testing
krishnatrai last edited by
It is crashing frequently on my Lumia 630, Old UI, No smart page available, download managers is not good, websites are not showing properly. Please make it superb as opera users expect. Need more efforts.
dkp1977 last edited by
Thanks for finally coming to WP.
I'd preferred Opera Mobile over Opera Mini, but hey, it's a start.
Unlike many others the app doesn't crash at all for me. It runs pretty fast and reliably.I'll try and summarize what I think needs some refinement and improvement:
page loading times. These are definitely slower than what I was used to from Opera Mini on Windows Mobile and Android.
Adding a new search provider is too much of a hassle. This should be possible from the manage search providers page.
Speaking of search providers. I definitely want to be able to change my default search engine. And I'd like to be able to remove Google from this list completely.
Page rendering isn't too great yet. Some pages show the mobile view, some the desktop view. It should be up to the user to decide which view to choose as a setting. Works great for IE.
there should be a setting to set the default downloaded folder, to not have to move each and every download from the isolated storage to an SD card or other publically accessible folder permanently.
palmitoo last edited by
Hi, since the last update, everytime i launch Opera Mini it crash on my Lumia 1520 with WP 8.1 Update 1 (and Lumia Cyan)
corradz last edited by
I am writing this comment using ie11 because opera mini crashes when I try to use it.
I had some error about the request and now it crashes when I try to open a site.
Please fix itLumia 820 WP 8.1 dp 1
nikolaos-tz last edited by
My very first impression on the beta version I have tested is unfortunately not that encouraging
since there are unexpectedly quite a lot of stability issues even for a beta version.Not only am I talking about lack of smoothness, but also as everyone reports too, the browser keeps on crashing, either in the beginning or while one is trying to access several websites .
I believe this issue will only take time to be fixed, so I won't insist on that.Another argument I have lies on the browser's User Interface.
It is ugly if you ask me, or at least it does not comply at all with the Windows Phone UI style rules.
I do get it that Opera needs to stay close to its own graphics interface,
but this result presented in its WP beta version is totally out of order.Being myself for a longtime an Opera - both PC and mobile version - browser user in the past,
even if I personally have been used to apprehend Opera browser's PC and mobile versions interface,
this time I find myself stressed to use Opera's graphics and interface in such a non compliant environment as WP one is.I think everything should be reassessed in this very first Opera WP version,
including the fonts size and type (Segoe fonts much preferred), the colors and their gradients, the styling of the tables as well as the icons implemented (shapes, colors etc in a wholly flat-needed minimal clean design) etc.
This does not necessarily derive in something irrelevant from Opera's appearance guidelines
but only an adaptation to the Windows Phone environment so that the user won't feel strange that much.I have to say I would expect more from what appears to be this Opera Mini WP beta version.
I strongly believe that the User Interface should be much more adapted to the Windows Phone appearance.
Please do mind. -
dipayanster last edited by
lumia 1320, no crashing problem
but- cant find manual proxy settings
- cant set full dektop mode for viewing webpages
- ui needs to look like modern (metro), specially the opera menu
abhyudaym last edited by
Lumia 720
Wp 8.1 Update
OS ver: 8.10.14147.180Intalled App: Launched> Crashed...
With WIFI ON Crashed
With Data Connection : popup Message to check n/w settings with exit button:Not Working
montelino last edited by
After update, Opera Mini crashed when loading webpages. After reinstall it crashes on every launch. Lumia 820 with Cyan.
13nitinr last edited by
It was working somewhat well before ur first opera update now it has started to crash within 2 to 3 sec....n download speed is also vvvvvvery slowl in 3g only...and also change the user interface for WP try bit new plz...
I am using Lumia 620 updated to 8.1.. -
ashrafsabbir last edited by
It was working par normal on primary release. Loading facebook was not functional nearly 60 percent times. And after the update the app opens and crushes in a moment. I am on Lumia 520. Thank you.
merrily last edited by
I'm on a Lumia 1020 with Cyan, 8.1 and update to 8.1.
I'm experiencing instant crashes as soon as I search or click on a link in the menu such as Google Search, and also many crashes as soon as opening the app.
It was working better in the initial release, even though searching often crashed and sometimes the browser didn't load anything (parsing error).
Happy to help any way I can!
alsyahid last edited by
Thank you for opera mini beta tester for windowsphone i'm waiting for so long but it can't opened like so many people here on my lumia625H cyan so please build the better opera mini for windowsphone thank you
urke995 last edited by
I want to mention that app only works in English language. I had to change my region settings to USA to make it work. Hope you'll soon add more regional languages that support Opera Mini.
And of course, there are stuff that are missing from the Android version.
Like many people here, I hoped there will be similar UI design language as WP, but I'm ok with this anyway, same good ol' Opera Mini.I'm just glad that you actually made an app so needed for this platform and I thank you for that!
P.S. I'll keep you p with the issues I'm experiencing. All the best to you guys!
tschoehaennes last edited by
firs of all it's great to have a new browser Option here on Windows phone!
thank you and welcome at wp!
it's also really great that you provide a lot of unique Features that we don't see with Internet Explorer for example.but there are two big things i'd like to point at which are really not good yet:
first is the design: the design of the opera mini beat app is really not worth looking at (sry). it looks like the old opera mini from Windows mobile or even Symbian S40... but this is Windows Phone! it should look more flat and minimalstic. please have a look on Microsofts design Guidelines or on other apps on Windows phone (i.e. here maps or all of the bing apps like News and weather... of course a browser is sth different than a News app but it should still provide great looking design) . it is possible! i believe in you !
the second thing is probably due to the beat status i hope you'll get that fixed for the official version. it's the rendering of websites. it really does a bad job right now. mobile pages look ugly and old fashioned. often the desktop page is required...
looking forward to seeing updates coming!
lrpradeepkumar last edited by
Was really waiting for this.
In my Lumia 625 it does not open often crashes I think it initially doesn't support WiFi -
emuguille last edited by
good day, I think it's great beta OPERA - MINI, but it has a problem, after having downloaded the app tries to open and takes about 3 seconds trying to open but at the end this time the app is automatically closed (single) . this happens to my Lumia 625 (Cyan) with Windows Phone 8.1 Update (8.10.14157.200)
buen dÃa, me parece excelente la beta de OPERA - MINI, pero la misma tiene un problema, luego de haberla descargado, la App intenta abrir y tarda unos 3 segundos el intentar abrir pero al terminar este tiempo la App se cierra automaticamente (sola). esto sucede en mi Lumia 625 (Cyan) con Windows Phone 8.1 Update (8.10.14157.200)