Pop out currently playing video on tab change (toggle).
themoisterymachine last edited by
Pop-out video is one of my favourite feature of Opera, and I've used it for years (or however long it's been implemented).
Was wondering if an option could be added that, when turned on, when changing tabs, the currently playing video is popped out and shows itself when on other tabs, but returns to normal view when back on the videos own tab.
Using a css on youtube to make videos fill the browser makes the search bar fight with the pop out icon and usually takes 3 or 4 goes to get the pop out button; I feel like having autoplay pop up as an option would just be more convenient for those who would turn it on.I've noticed on Opera GX [LVL1 (core: 67.0.3575.130)] it blacks out the original video when playing popped out, when before, this didn't happen and was easy to swap back and forth between the sizes when flicking through tabs. This only seems to be recently, or maybe since GX was released, and standard Opera had this?
Thanks for your time, and thanks for your product.