Can't synchronise anymore
pendaws last edited by leocg
For some strange reason, I now am shut out of synchronising?
I tried going to and have tried to fix the issue
but all I get is the "deleting from server" page which just endlessly
keeps refreshing and getting me nowhere
The browser is showing that it is trying to sign in but it does nothing.
At the top right hand of the browser, there is a little yellow circle
with an exclamation mark and when clicked on it just shows a black
square and again, does nothing. It has been doing this for 30 minutes.So, that I don't site here for another 30 minutes, how can I fix this?
pendaws last edited by
For some strange reason, I now am shut out of synchronising?
I tried going to and have tried to fix the issue
but all I get is the "deleting from server" page which just endlessly
keeps refreshing and getting me nowhere
The browser is showing that it is trying to sign in but it does nothing.
At the top right hand of the browser, there is a little yellow circle
with an exclamation mark and when clicked on it just shows a black
square and again, does nothing. It has been doing this for 30 minutes.So, that I don't site here for another 30 minutes, how can I fix this?
The synch worked yesterday but NOW, it is screwing up all my feeds
slowing my machine and using an unbelievable amount of memory
and I have to keep using task manager to shut it down.
The darn thing won't even let me sign out.
What has opera done to this browser? Synch has worked so well
until this build and even the last. I am using the latest and I am so sick
Of trying to sign out and the browser locking up.