Ubuntu fido u2f security key
A Former User last edited by
It would be nice to have Opera work nicely with fido u2f security keys. Curently I have to use Firefox.
A Former User last edited by
Is there a howto you have to follow in order to make it work on firefox? Maybe I can "translate" it for you to make it work in opera.
A Former User last edited by
@jimunderscorep I did not have to do anything for Firefox, it just worked. There is a setup for Ubuntu in general which I did, here: link text
From your terminal:$ sudo curl https://hypersecu.com/downloads/files/configurations/70-u2f.rules > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-u2f.rules
$ sh -c /etc/udev/rules.d/70-u2f.rulesthen restart your computer
For more details on setting up U2F security key for Linux, please read the FAQ: How do I set up my Linux system to use my HyperFIDO U2F security key?
A Former User last edited by
Those lines you mention are for adding a udev rule, i.e. something that would iidentify the device properly under linux.
Other than that, there are 2 certificate files (.pem) in the downloads page. Try downloading them and importing them to opera by hand, via opera://settings/certificates.I have nothing else to suggest since the "FAQ: How do I set up my Linux system to use my HyperFIDO U2F security key?" links to a 404 page.
A Former User last edited by
Well, I did a little more research. The supported browsers are Firefox and Chrome.
They support WebAuthn, I guess Opera does not.The (pem) files are the different certificates stored on the HyperFIDO U2F security keys. I suppose in case it get dammaged or lost.