Search by Image
kodugumunoperasi last edited by
On its settings Just use Yandex Image. and on your yandex account settings select "No Filter" gives you the best results.
raybatista last edited by
please update the extension, while on github the latest version is 5.8.1, here it is still at 5.5.0
MeepMeep88 last edited by
On Chrome Browser you can drag a photo from your computer/folder into the browser and google lens that. But can't do that on here for some reason
nerogoyangi last edited by
поиск изображения в гугл перестал работь, просто выкидывает на главную страницу "поиск картинок гугл", с поиском на других сайтах всё нормально
cryatomic1111 last edited by
Doesn't work now, Google Lens for some reason is determined to supersede it because now I can't search by image size anymore. Ugh