WOT extension
weboftrust last edited by
@pendaws: Hey there, thanks for reaching out and we're happy to hear you are enjoying WOT! You are correct and we do have a new and improved WOT version, which is pending Opera's approval and we hope it will be released shortly
weboftrust last edited by
@pendaws: Hey, the new version is pending Opera's approval and we hope it will be released as soon as possible.
namer707 last edited by
WOT Web of Trust, Website Reputation Ratings is a great extention, it keeps me from submitting my creditcard number to somone I don't trust, or downloading malware!Français
WOT Web of Trust, Website Reputation Ratings est une excellente extension, il m'empêche de soumettre mon numéro de carte de crédit à quelqu'un que je ne fais pas confiance, ou de télécharger des logiciels malveillants!Português
WOT Web of Trust, site Reputation Ratings é uma grande extensão, que me impede de enviar o meu número de cartão de crédito para somone eu não confio, ou baixar malware!Русский
WOT Web of Trust, рейтинги репутации веб-сайтов-это отличное расширение, оно удерживает меня от отправки номера моей кредитной карты кому-то, кому я не доверяю, или загрузки вредоносных программ! -
weboftrust last edited by
@namer707: Thanks for sharing this, and for making your review accessible in many languages
We're glad you are being protected with WOT!
klogg last edited by
Available from Chrome store. Don't really know why Opera didn't approve updated version yet
weboftrust last edited by
@faveroo: Thanks for reaching out! We are about to release a new version so stay tuned
jeffdodson last edited by
it's installed on Opera on my MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016), but I don't see the WOT symbol anywhere on my search page or on the opera window. 'zup?!
mikusrom last edited by
@weboftrust , понятно. То есть как решит ваше сообщество, так и выставит оценку сайту и не важно как другие думают, верно?
А где у вас офис в России? И какие персональные данные вы обрабатываете, какую информацию собираете?
Можете предоставить информацию об обработке персональных данных пользователей?Мне не понравилось ваше приложение, так как не понятно, что за люди рейтинг составляют и кому мои персональные данные передаются.
К тому же, сейчас антивирусы все эти функции предоставляют и имеют лицензии и прочее для безопасного использования сети интернета, вы то зачем нужны.
SB96 last edited by
Nevermind, I had to right click the WOT icon in the top right, click manage extension, and allow it access to search page results
Oakadiel last edited by
Boa extensão! Mas precisa de muito mais pessoas aderindo, para ajudar na classificação dos sites seguros, e informações importantes sobre os sites desconhecidos.
weboftrust last edited by
@oakadiel: We appreciate your input and feedback. We welcome new users with open arms
weboftrust last edited by
@sb96: Sorry for not responding earlier, have you managed to sort this issue out? Do let us know at support@mywot.com
weboftrust last edited by
@jeffdodson: Sorry for not responding earlier, have you managed to sort this issue out? Do let us know at support@mywot.com