Debian XMLHttpRequest Opera
anpden last edited by
Good afternoon.
There is a code:<script> var X = 0; var Y = 0; function allowDrop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); } function drag(ev) { // debugger; ev.dataTransfer.setData("text",; } function drop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text"); //; //console.log(ev) //id = document.getElementById(data); document.getElementById(data).style.position = "absolute"; document.getElementById(data).style.left = (ev.x - X) + "px"; document.getElementById(data) = (ev.y - Y) + "px"; // 1. Создаём новый объект XMLHttpRequest var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // 2. Конфигурируем его: GET-запрос на URL 'phones.json''GET', '/save?id=' + data + '&x=' + (ev.x - X) + '&y=' + (ev.y - Y) , true); // 3. Отсылаем запрос xhr.send(); } function lol(ev, th){ // debugger X = ev.clientX - th.offsetLeft; //ev.layerX; Y = ev.clientY - th.offsetTop; //ev.layerY; console.log([X,Y]) } </script>
Sending GET request does not work for Opera 42 x64 Debian
But under Opera 36 for Win XP - works.
Tell me, can have any configuration including XMLHttpRequest?
A Former User last edited by
I have nothing to suggest for your issue, but why are you using such an old version of opera?
anpden last edited by
What is installed, this is used.
The company cannot or does not want to update or install newer.But then strange, why in Opera 36 for Win XP all works, and in Opera 42 - already not works. Or there version number depends on each OS?
A Former User last edited by
Opera 36 is the last version that supports xp, so it probably works as it should with its prehistoric libraries.
Opera 42 however is not the latest version for 64bit linux. For 32bit linux, the last version of opera is 45, which is 2 years old now.
In fact, opera 42 is ~2.5 years old. What version of debian are you on and what other browsers do you use? -
anpden last edited by anpden
Use the browsers Firefox 27 x64 and 42 x64 of the Opera.
In Firefox, the Get request works, but the calculation of X and Y coordinates does not work.
OS using Debian 7.0 Wheezy x64 -
A Former User last edited by
@anpden said in Debian XMLHttpRequest Opera:
OS using Debian 7.0 Wheezy x64
Now I understand why you have all those old versions on all browsers. They use the system's old libraries to work with a modern webpage and fail.
Try creating a virtual machine with debian 9 or 10, install all the recent versions of your browsers and check your page again. I am pretty sure it will work properly there.For the record, debian 7 reached its eol (end of life) in 2016 and its lts eol in 2018. More info here -
anpden last edited by anpden
At home, on the local server, everything works - checked more than once.
the entire Park has deployed a modern OS - it works fine.but such old systems, even the installation files are not found
Okay, so the topic can just be closed, so as to reinstall OS, no one will.
or maybe someone knows how can I replace this code