Translate Function For The Selection/Search Pop-Up Tool
alexgrover last edited by 26 Feb 2019, 19:51
I don't know if such idea has already been mentioned but i think its a really good one and i'm surprised its not yet implemented.
The Selection Pop Up Tool
Its certainly one of the best features Opera have to offer, this simple yet powerful tool optimize an action drastically (From : Selection -> Right Click -> Copy/Search/Other, to : Selection -> Copy/Search/Other). I think its a miss opportunity to not explore all the options such feature can offer.
A translate function would enhance the user experience by a lot since most of the time translation is done via : Searching on Google, Google Traduction/Others, Extensions and Selection (some extensions can traduce a selection thus creating some kind of conflict with the Opera pop-up feature), which is more time consuming and less practical.
So here are some examples of such feature :
We select the text we want to translate then the translate feature would appear, clicking on it would translate the text to the browser language or any other language that could be selected from the Pop-up search settings. The selected text would be instantaneously replaced by the translated text.
Multiple Languages Translation
Some times we could want to translate a selection to another language instead of the one we selected by default, this could be done by having a drop down menu like the share function in the pop-up selection.
Preferred languages could be added/removed/edited from the pup-up selection tool settings. The order each languages would be displayed on the drop down menu could be selected from the settings or : ordered by the number of times they are used/last language to be used appearing first.
Or we could use a more advanced approach by using a complementary language search tool in the drop down menu of the translate function in order to select to which language we want to translate the selection.
Problems And Solutions
The pop-selection tool bar is already really long (If i recall there was a time where only 3 functions , search, copy and share where on the bar, Sending to my flow certainly appeared after the release of Opera Touch) and can be longer with the unit/currency/time zone conversion, adding other functions could mess up the user experience, but such problem could be easily fixed by selecting the function we want to be on the bar from the pop-up settings, and this is something i really want since i dont really use the share or send to my flow features .
I have a great relationship with my Opera browsers :3
jojo0587 last edited by 27 Feb 2019, 18:15
@alexgrover unless you read my mind ... I had to start a new topic with this proposal. So, YES, one big YES.
My proposals for changes in Opera (Google Document).
- There are not enough signs to put all the links here.