Make disabling extended lazy loading a feature
uselesswhitecrayon last edited by
A previous feature of the Opera browser allowed the loading of tabs to be delayed until clicked on, and this feature is now unavailable. I prefer to keep many tabs open at once, and upon startup, Opera now uses much of my RAM and effectively bricks my computer for minutes at a time.
I am aware that this was an experimental flag, but I believe that the browser would benefit greatly from this being introduced as an actual, permanent feature. I'm not asking for the flag to come back (though I'd appreciate that in the short-term), but for the developers to consider making this a permanent feature of Opera.
uselesswhitecrayon last edited by
There's no reason for Opera to attempt to load every single tab that is open upon startup. Even though it loads one at a time, my computer is useless for anything else while it does so.